Fully furnished and serviced daily on weekdays. Move-in with suitcase for a peaceful and hassle free stay in the heart of the Causeway Bay.

你好!我們正在出售位於灣仔的辦公室。您可以在以下連結獲得更多信息: hk-conventionplaza.com 你可以給我們留言或發送電子郵件至[email protected]與我聯繫。希望能盡快與您聯繫! Our office is offered for sale. For more infomation: hk-conventionplaza.com
物業地產 / 辦公室買賣會展辦公室出售 - Convention Plaza Office For Sale

提供帛事花籃、果籃 、婚禮場地佈置、花球 、開張花籃 、檯花 、花束、襟花等服務

We also aim to record the changes of fashion trend in order to enhance our understanding to the clothing and textile market, and the development of living culture in Hong Kong.
P美容 / 形象顧問Pixel Media HK Ltd.


This features unrivalled scale and quality, and form a stunning Victoria Harbour Gateway with Two IFC on the opposite shore

本店經營超過20年, 服務包括中西花籃 ,花束,花球, 月花擺設 , 風水植物 ,綱上訂花服務 .悼念花圈, 花籃,喪禮佈置及世界各地送花服務。
鮮花及禮籃 / 帛事鮮花格蘭花店 Grand Floral and Gift Shop

We provide free WIFI internet broadband. Comparison to other serviced apartments, our room rate is reasonable and flexible monthly leases. Please feel free to contact us for reservation.

代購 日本汽車包圍, 晴雨擋, 錶板 & 地毯等汽車配件 (c-frontier)內有很多不同的牌子. 請列明欲購的牌子, 型號及數量等.
汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠代購 日本汽車包圍

About KoKocolor Ever since its launch in 1996, KoKocolor has been an industrial leader in glass mosaic solutions. Countless customers have trusted us with their important projects, knowing the qualit

手工皂為什麼能夠廣受大眾喜愛 ? 常聽到學生說 : 『雖然會打到手很累,但越打越上瘾 ! 』除了打皂過程中體驗到的樂趣之外,當你看見身邊的人,喜歡用你做的手工皂,甚至一些皮膚問題因此獲得改善,打皂就變得值得了 !! 北海道牛乳 cp 皂 7 月 3 日 親子班 乾花汽泡彈 7 月 4 日 啤酒洗髮液體皂及護髮餅 7 月 10 日 甜橙美白洗面 cp 皂 7 月 11 日 濕疹紫草沐浴液體皂 7

THE LINEAR MAKATI Targeting the younger generation working in Makati, Filinvest Land, Inc. (FLI) has come up with The Linear, a master-planned mixed use residential and commercial development that en

查詢網址:http://shopping.sinsin.hk/b2b_cpinfo.asp?id=2338查詢電話:3175 8718查詢電郵:[email protected]歡迎批發及零售~!2013年3月8日寬約:29CM拉直長度約:56CM誤差:+-3CM

查詢網址: http://shopping.sinsin.hk/b2b_cpinfo.asp?id=2312 查詢電話: 3175 8718 查詢電郵: [email protected] 歡迎批發及零售~! 3D電動遮瑕粉撲電動上妝粉餅定做訂做,批發及生產廠商 2012年10月19日 電動粉底上妝器 Electronic Powder Puff 電動粉撲電動粉餅 毛孔隱形大師 3D遮瑕震動

查詢網址: http://shopping.sinsin.hk/b2b_cpinfo.asp?id=2317 查詢電話: 3175 8718 查詢電郵: [email protected] 歡迎批發及零售~! 室內水種 盆栽 花盆-可掛牆定做訂做,批發及生產廠商 材質: 不鏽鋼, 環保ABS, 環保PP 尺寸: L15*W14.2*H17.5cm 橡膠質料大吸盤, 密封防水, 穏固耐久 吸

高質素美甲服務; 由專業美甲師配以優質美甲用品,務求令客人享受美甲過程. 閃石砌石設計; 店主喜歡閃爍而獨特的設計,不論在細小的十指上,日常必備的八達通, 手機,咭片盒,USB還是電視機都能創造出無限驚喜.
B美容 / 美甲Bling Bling Nail

Company is looking for some web design, web programming, printing, business card and IT solutions. If your company would like to have some enhacement on design, profile, mapping and search engine enh
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